Airbus Endeavr Wales was created to help innovative ideas become reality. They have the financial backing of Airbus and the Welsh Government – working in partnership with Cardiff University (which represents all higher education institutions in Wales).

Airbus Endeavr Wales is this year seeking early-stage research project applications to provide ideas for the challenges below:

Challenge 1: Detection of Information Generated by Artificial Intelligence

To provide research and technical development into detecting content generated by ChatGPT and other generative AI models in text and visual content.

Find out more and apply HERE.

Challenge 2: Identify the presence of PFAS in articles or mixtures used in the aerospace industry and/or propose their potential replacements using available data

Finding and substituting Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) chemicals requires an innovative approach to analysing large amounts of available data, potentially using artificial intelligence.

Find out more and apply HERE.

There is £600,000 in total available funding across the two challenges with an estimated £60k-£120k to be allocated per 3-year project.