Raising the Supply Chain Capability of the UK SMEs; boosting growth, quality and delivery performance
The Supply Chain Solutions Framework (SCS) is a simple access, cross sector programme led by industry through a partnership delivery model, facilitated by ADS on a not-for-profit basis in partnership with Aerospace Wales and the other Regional Aerospace Alliances (RAA) and Devolved Administrations (DA).
Improve performance using the Supply Chain Solutions Framework (SCS)
The SCS framework provides a comprehensive set of services to support all companies in their development needs. It enables suppliers to improve their competitive performance, highlight opportunities to invest in innovation and digitalisation, as well as helping them understand how to progress towards their sustainabiity goals.
SC21, the leading continuous improvement programme, is the cornerstone of the SCS Framework.
SC21 Competitiveness
Supply Chains for the 21st Century (SC21) is designed to accelerate the competitiveness of the aerospace and defence industry by raising the performance of its supply chains. Over its lifetime, the programme has had over 1,000 participating companies signed up to the principles of SC21 and engaged in a continuous performance improvement journey.
The programme provides a simple standard improvement framework which defines performance goals and standardizes the approach and tools for continuous sustainable improvement. Participants achieving and maintaining agreed criteria in terms of delivery, quality, sustainable improvement and the associated improvement frameworks (business, manufacturing and relationship excellence) receive national recognition in the form of a Bronze, Silver or Gold Performance Standard Award.
Baseline Assessment Tool
Want to know how you compare against the competition?
A new Baseline Assessment Tool (BAT) can help you assess your performance and understand where improvement is needed as a starting point to your continuous improvement journey.
Created by Valuechain Technology Limited and designed by industry supply chain experts from the aerospace, defence and automotive sectors, together with input from national and regional partners, this free to use Baseline Assessment Tool (BAT) will provide an initial holistic report of your benchmark, recommendations on how and where you can improve your business and where to find help to improve your competitive performance.
The BAT can be used by either as a self-assessment by businesses or in conjunction with one of the qualified SC21 Practitioners.
Getting Started – Enquire now
The Supply Chain Solutions Framework is a capability toolset to raise supply chain quality and performance and ultimately boosting growth. Email enquiries@aerospacewales.aero to start your journey and a member of the team will contact you.